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How to become the leader that people want to follow?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ahmed Hassan , Service Delivery Manager , Goodnews4me
تاريخ النشر: 2016/08/21
Stefanos Sampatakakis
من قبل Stefanos Sampatakakis , Head of Health Sector Coordination , General Secretarial of Governmental Coordination

If someone expects people to follow him, he/she is required to demonstrate a unique set of abilities. People need to look up to their leader, they want him/her to inspire them, they want him to signify and initiate change whenever its is deemed as needed, they expect him to raise the team's morale when all seems lost and much more.

In order to lead, one should have an increased level of self-awareness, sufficient communication skills, knowledge of his/her team and its unique characteristics and a multiframe approach to people's management, combined with some political skills.

All the aspects above could form a crude description of a successful leader in my opinion.

Sachini Perera
من قبل Sachini Perera , Hr officer , MAS ACTIVE LINEA INTIMO, Lot 89A

Exude a Positive Outlook

Be Assertive

Think Logically

Be Involved

Be Open-Minded

Ahmed Hassan
من قبل Ahmed Hassan , Service Delivery Manager , Goodnews4me

1. Lead with humility. A humble leader acknowledges that they can succeed only with the help of others. Humility draws people to you not because you have all the answers, but because you recognize how much you can learn from others.

2. Have a compelling vision.  Having a vision is good, and having a purposeful vision inspires others to work toward that purpose. When you have a vision worth following, you have a group of people that stays focused and do what it takes to be successful.

3. Take responsibility.  Leaders must hold themselves accountable for their actions; they don’t blame others when things don’t go right. Be accountable for your actions and always remember that the decisions you make affect not only your own life but the lives of others as well.

4. Be consistent.  Leaders set the tone for how others conduct themselves. If you are not consistent, those around you follow that cue. If you are not reliable, others feel uncomfortable and tentative. It is the essence of consistency that makes others want to emulate you.

5. Be affirming. Great leaders are of service, because at the heart of their leadership they know the true value of others. Always follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you would wish to be treated.

6. Show you care. Great leaders understand the importance of personal connection and attention. Show you care with everything you say and do, and let people know they matter. Listen to them, talk to them, provide them with feedback.

7. Give respect. Loyalty starts with building relationships based on respect. Show those around you know how much you respect them and their work.

8. Communication is key. Great leaders are invariably good communicators. They know how to engage others in conversations that strengthen relationships to generate results. But developing good communication skills takes work, so make the most of every conversation and communication.

9. The best proof of leadership is trust.  People want to follow leaders who are trustworthy—those whose behavior is genuine and who never leave others guessing. Make sure people can rely on you to be fair and consistent.

10. Always follow through. Being a leader carries a lot of responsibility. Often there’s too much to do in very little time. That’s why consistently following through is so important. If you say you will do something, do it. If you promise something, deliver. Remember people are counting on you.

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