ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


Product awareness is basic aim of Advertisement , then what needs to improve Sale?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Amjed Mehboob , G.M -(Currently Job Seeking ) , Advance Education centre
تاريخ النشر: 2016/08/17
Pushpakaran Thiyadi
من قبل Pushpakaran Thiyadi , Freelance Researcher/ Consultant , Freelance

Product awareness through advertisement also improves sale by increasing the product exposure to the market segment with the product's features,utilities,etc.However,advertisement is only one of the marketing strategies to improve a product sales.

It is called product accessibility. Make it accessible to a large variety of customers.

How? Price.

Ahmed Taha
من قبل Ahmed Taha , Digital Director , Home of Performance

From a manager's perspective, to improve sales performance, you need to better understand your staff through talent analytics. This is different quantitative data than performance numbers; talent analytics allows you to understand the sales rep himself. Find out: What drives your top performers? Why are your under performers struggling? Is this rep in the right role - would an account manager be more successful in a biz dev role, vice versa, or even in customer service? Is the incentive appropriate (some reps are driven by non-financial incentives for example)? It sounds simple but asking these questions to better understand what drives the reps allows you to better align your talent with your organizational strategy. This in turn accomplishes two objectives: it puts the rep in a better position to succeed while also making the sales team overall more successful.

Angeli Ymasa  Mayugba
من قبل Angeli Ymasa Mayugba , Personal Assistant | Events and Marketing Executive , Cocoville

Simple as understanding the products itself so you can better sell your goods and services, and yes understanding the needs and wants of your market(customers) consider yourself a customer and you would know if this will really make you a`happy customer.you ask you listen you act

Yahya Bah
من قبل Yahya Bah , Principal & Marketing Consultant , International Community

Th effective integrtion of the marketing mix to generte value added and customer driven products and services is what could improve sales.

This implies that the product, price, promotion, people, process and physical evidence should reflect cutomer needs.

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