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Is it smart choice for a company to advertise themselves or hire a advertising company for branding ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل PRADEEP MEHRA , CEO , Angel international Inc.
تاريخ النشر: 2016/06/22
Emmanuel Wamweta
من قبل Emmanuel Wamweta , production supervisor , Tembo Steel Rolling

It depends on numerous factors concerning an organisation's operations & intentions, goals & objectives, policies, procedures & protocol and ultimately the technicalities involved in branding. If the organisations renders branding very complex & technical, it may as well souce for or hire a specialidt firm to do it for them but if the branding isn't that complex or very technical, the organisation may opt to use its resources to do it. Also if it is the organisation's policy or objective related purpose, it will definately opt for hiring a specialist to do it for them but if its the organisation's policy or objectivev related purpose to use its own resources, then it would defintely forego hiring

Thanx for the invitation

Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy
من قبل Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy , Vice General Manager , DATALINEZ for IT solutions

Ya, it is smart and more professional to hire an advertising agency to carry out the branding responsibility of the company; for the following:

1) The branding agency has greater expertise in the branding practices than the company itself.

2) The branding agency has very large channels to produce and place your materials through.


3) The branding agency will carry out the responsibility of the total project so, so the risk of any error is shifted to it, and also your rights and deliverables are more guaranteed.

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