ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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What are the procedures and essences of designing a unique Brand Mantra (Elevator Speech or Brand Essence)?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ahmed Abdelrahim , Mechanical Sales Engineer , Samir Odeh Group
تاريخ النشر: 2016/02/28
Katarzyna Sligowska
من قبل Katarzyna Sligowska , Product Expert , Mango-Media

This might be useful for you:


Hope it helps.

Good example and asnwer that Katarzyna wrote.


I just want to add... Usually I associate this to the brand recognition and it´s defined with the restrict and the wide understood of the business definition (products/services).


For example:

XEROX - Restricted product is to sell copy machines. Wide (benefit) is to sell technological solutions to provide for the companies more productivity.

Philips - Restrict is Television for example, and wide is information, culture, entertainment and so on.


All this are the critical success keys to add value for the client and need to be easily perceptible by them:

Some are "intangible", like for example the brand, the status, the feeling, the positioning, etc.

Some are "tangible", like for example, the usability, the maintenance, the disposition, etc.

All are based in "fundaments" like technology, quality, design, security, innovation, etc

And finally, all are "accessible", like for example by the price, accessibility, disponibility, etc.


All products/services in the world "work" with "attributes", like the ones I gave the example.


After analyse and determinate which are the critical success keys it´s important relate them with the STRONG and WEAKNESS characteristics to find out possible competencies gaps.





Vinod Jetley
من قبل Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

A process called “laddering” is often used to uncover the essence of a brand. Laddering is based on the notion that brand meaning can be deepened by examining progressively more abstract implications of a brand’s features. The bottom rung of the ladder represents the starting point, which is usually an attribute.

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