ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


Overtime expenditures have increased over the past year. Yet, the workload has not increased. What steps will you take to control overtime?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎
تاريخ النشر: 2016/02/14
Mohammed Fadlallah Abboudah Mohammed Abboudah
من قبل Mohammed Fadlallah Abboudah Mohammed Abboudah , Senior Telecom and Network Engineer , Petro Energy E&P

If there is no extra workload; why staff work overtime?!! the manager should strictly supervise overtime work so that only necessary work to be done as overtime work.

staff should get a pre approval for the work they would like to do as overtime.

overtime work should be audited before compensation   

Pragasen Govender
من قبل Pragasen Govender , Technical Director , DURBAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

It is very important to do an assessment of work procedures and the utilization of staff when overtime figures increase .

it could be found that senior managers are opting for overtime  purely to boost their income and that tasks that should be completed in the normal duration are now being stretched into overtime .

It will be important to evaluate the output of each team to define the shortfalls and the obstructions of performing the tasks in the normal working hours .

zeeshan khan
من قبل zeeshan khan , IFM Project Manager , Red Sea International company

you Question is for Employer or Manager ? 

if it is for Employer so they should have the train the trainer in their HR to Train the Manager , if they have Good manager ,, so it is the duty of an Ideal manager to create an environment b/w management and employee that the employee will feel the work is their own work such as their Personal work ,, meant to say the manager should the Leader ,, the Manager should say Lets Do it ,, not to say "Do it " 

if you have the Technique to conquer the Hearts of employee ,, so nothing is Impossible ,, they will work by their Hearts in short time they will do A lot of work , then no need to do over time ,  and the time management for every task can also control the over time 

Mohamed Asik Uthumalebbe
من قبل Mohamed Asik Uthumalebbe , System test Engineer , MADAR HOLDING

it mean you need to re engineer your process. 

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