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What are the steps to become a blogger?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل maisoon al quraan , System Analyst / Business Analyst , almond technologies
تاريخ النشر: 2015/12/07
Yessaad Mohamed El Amine Amine
من قبل Yessaad Mohamed El Amine Amine , Communication Digital Manager at Algérie Télécom , Algérie Télécom

  • Love your topic
  • Love reading and writing
  • Be inspired from other bloggers
  • Have an positive attitude to help people and inform them more about the topic

Not an easy task but not so difficult on the other hand if you have passion and patience.... Being a blogger is a full time job if you are serious to earn with your blog. To start a blog involves many steps..

1. Choose a blogging platform (Blogger or wordpress) I suggest blogger for its ease of use and it is more easy for even an illiterate person to start a blog on blogger... (Like me!!!)

2. Choose a specific topic on which you want to write a post.. It is not necessary that you should remain stick to one topic.. You can make your blog a multidimensional blog by writing on different topics and make separate section for each topic.

3. Set up your blog.. Here I can not explain in detail that how to set a blog but this post will surely help you to start a blog on blogger.


4. After setting the blog, there comes some necessary settings. Again this post will guide you effectively.


5. After settings, customize your blog.. Make your blog beautiful and SEO friendly by adding gadgets, improve internal linking, social media share widgets etc.. To learn all about blogging visit my blog at:


  1. Decide what you want to write about (topic)
  2. Choose your blogging platform (Blogger, tumbler, wordpress, )
  3. Set Up the Blog space according to what items you require to appear on it .
  4. Start blogging and promote the blog

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