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What is the VFR "vehicle fill rate" and how to calculate it?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mahmoud Bedawi , Global Shipping and Transportation Capability Leader , Procter and Gamble
تاريخ النشر: 2015/12/07
Mahmoud Bedawi
من قبل Mahmoud Bedawi , Global Shipping and Transportation Capability Leader , Procter and Gamble

VFR will help you to answer the following

how good are you filling the trucks?

Vehicle fill rate (VFR) is defined as the ratio of the actual capacity used to the total capacity available in terms of weight and volume

KPIs in scope

  1. Gross Weight Fill Rate (%)  = Gross Weight/ Max Weight *
  2. Net Weight Fill Rate(%)       = Net weight / Max Weight *
  3. Gross Volume Fill Rate (%)  = Gross Volume  / Max Volume *
  4. Net Volume Fill Rate (%)     = Net Volume  / Max Volume *
  5. Gross Pallet Fill Rate (%)     = Pallets  / Max Pallets *




من قبل YUSUF ALSHAFIE HUSSIEN HASSAN , Traffic Engineer , Dar Al-Handasah

It is vehicle ridership = (average vehicle occupancy) / (vehicle capacity)

zohair Siddiqui
من قبل zohair Siddiqui , Warehouse Associate , Numerous Warehouses

The term fill rate has come from inventory management system such as periodic review, contineous review, and min max. The term is basically mean how much units are expected to be filled verses how many units are being filled on the order. Expected fill rate verses Actual fill rate. (APICS). The following is the formula for fill rate

Fill Rate Q*(1-FR)/DR*SQRT(LT)

DR= demand rate

LT= Lead Time

Kausar  Ali
من قبل Kausar Ali , Procurement Manager , Tapal Tea Pvt Limited

Percentage of customer or consumption orders satisfied from stock at hand. It is a measure of an inventory's ability to meet demand. Also called demand satisfaction rate.

Najeebudheen Cholayil
من قبل Najeebudheen Cholayil , Senior Analyst , M. H. Alshaya Company

VFR: Vehicle fill Rate

  It is a measure of how efficiently the freight sector is transporting goods with its vehicles


Its ratio of the actual capacity used to the total capacity available in terms of weight and volume

VFR = Loaded  Weight/ Total loading weight capacity 


if loaded weight isKg for period 

And capacity is of1 ton- (Kg)

then VFR for the period  = %

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