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Is it better to apply through a recruitment company or apply directly for a job at the company itself?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Hendrik Jacobus Eksteen , Owner operator
تاريخ النشر: 2015/09/05
كريمة بونوة
من قبل كريمة بونوة , تسيير الموارد البشرية ماستر2 , البرمجة ومتابعة الميزانية لوزارة المالية

Applying to the company itself is the one that has a standard for how to hire for vacant positions

nwogbo benedict chukwuemeka
من قبل nwogbo benedict chukwuemeka , Emergency Medical Officer , Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital Amaku Awka

It is good to apply via agency or apply directly to the company. whichever one that is favourably, go for it

haroon shahzad khan
من قبل haroon shahzad khan , territory manager , Tabrose Pharam, OBS int Pharmaceuticals

i have seen in most companies HR received cv than he send it to recruitment manager. he has already a number of applications for that post so its possible he missed good candidate for interview.

on the contrary if you a good and experienced candidate ,recruitment agencies struggle for your interview, it can possible they have approach because agencies are not only open there offices for just people interviews but also for there jobs. so they can built there name in people. once the agency name famous more people went to agencies and agencies get profit by people.

Bufarraj Mohammed Eddinali
من قبل Bufarraj Mohammed Eddinali , Support Services Unit Supervisor , Arabian Gulf Oil Company

If you get the employer's email,address, it's better to apply directly in order to save some money

which will be collected from you for finding a job for you, for only connecting you with employers

and nothing else is expected.

So, it's preferably, do this simple step yourself !!!

Good luck

Bufarraj M. Eddinali

Certified translator/cost controller

We should apply through both ways.

It increases chances of reaching your application to employer.



Mohammad Mahmoud
من قبل Mohammad Mahmoud , Intellectual Property . , Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organisation (TAG ORG)

Why not do both simultaneously and save yourself the headache. That has actually worked for me on a few instances.

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