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Difference between HTML and HTML5?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Salman Ahmed , SAP ABAP S4-HANA Consultant , Deloitte - India
تاريخ النشر: 2015/08/18
mohammed aloqayli
من قبل mohammed aloqayli , IT , saline water

html it is old

HTML5 new 

and HTML5 It has added some properties more than HTML



It’s going to be a while before HTML5 is the new standard and everything HTML5 has to offer is supported by all the important browsers.

If you’re a web dev, what should you do? If you’re new to the game or you’re an old pro, you eventually have to ask yourself when and how to begin transitioning over.

Perhaps the first thing that you should learn and keep in mind is exactly what the differences between the two are.

Here are ten important differences between HTML4 and HTML5:


1. HTML5 Is a Work in Progress

As cool as it is to see what HTML5 can do for you, it hasn’t been standardized like HTML4. You don’t have to worry about updating pages built using HTML4. It’s more than ten years old and it’s a set standard.

If you jump into HTML5 with both feet, you’re going to be making updates. Elements and attributes are added and modified several times a year. Of course, this is dependent how much you depend on rich elements, but it’s certainly a risk you must take into consideration when using a fluid language.

Build with HTML4, play with HTML5.

2. Simplified Syntax

The simpler doctype declaration is just one of the many novelties in HTML5. Now you need to write only: <!doctype html> and this is it. The syntax of HTML5 is compatible with HTML4 and XHTML1, but not with SGML.

3. The New <canvas> Element

This is what killed Flash.

Although it isn’t as … uh … flashy … most assume that it will eventually make Flash obsolete.

Only time will tell.

4. The <header> and <footer> Elements

For good or bad, HTML5 has acknowledged the new web anatomy. With HTML5, <header> and <footer> are specifically marked for such. Because of this, it is unnecessary to identify these two elements with a <div> tag.

5. New <section> and <article> Elements

Again, HTML5 has adopted the popular web standard. <section> and <article> allows you to mark specific areas of your layout as such, and should have a positive effect on on your SEO in the end.

6. New <menu> and <figure> Elements

<menu> can be used for your main menu, but it can also be used for toolbars and context menus. The <figure> element is another way to arrange text and images.

8. New <audio> and <video> Elements

Embedind audio and video has never been easier.

There are also some new multimedia elements and attributes, such as <track>, that provides text tracks for the video element. With these additions HTML5 is definitely getting more and more Web2.0-friendly. The problem is that by the time HTML5 becomes widely accepted, Web2.0 might be old news.

8. New Forms

The new <form> and <forminput> elements are looking good. If you do much with forms, you may want to take a look at what these have to offer.

9. Kiss <b> and <font> Goodbye!

CSS, all the time.

All the time, CSS.

. No More <frame>, <center>, <big>

I bet you’re going to miss these. ð


Use HTML5 with caution and be ready to make updates. Stop using elements that HTML5 has kicked from the code, and try using new HTML5 elements that are sure to stick (<header>, <footer>, etc …). You might as well start getting into the habit of using these, now.

Reham Elnabawy
من قبل Reham Elnabawy

HTML5 is the latest version of  HTML and there are some tags that are added to HTML5 and not available in HTML .

vidhiben dave
من قبل vidhiben dave

HTML is a markup language but HTML 5 is new, there is no big difference in both of them. HTML 5 have some tags and attributes which are not in HTML


  • Consist of tags in angle brackets
  • Building blocks for website
  • Web browser read Html and convert it in
  • Used by web browser to display content in web browser
  • Allow to embed object and images


  • Fifth revision of Html
  • It extends and improves existing markup language
  • Created to run with cross platform mobile devices

Tanweer Ahmed
من قبل Tanweer Ahmed , Application Developer , Department of Revenue,Registration and Land Reforms,Government of Jharkhand

difference is HTML 5 contains some new html  tags like canvas, audio, video etc. much better support for media such as, an audio and video tag.HTML 5 is an updated version of HTML. It is much similar to old HTML.

Julfkar  Moh Umar
من قبل Julfkar Moh Umar , Sr. Software Engineer , Aakash Edutech Private Limited

The Key difference are:

1. DOCTYPE is much longer as HTML4 is based on SGML-based.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML4.//EN"  "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

In HTML5 DOCTYPE is required to enable standards mode for HTML documents. 

<!DOCTYPE html>

2.Audio and Video are not part of HTML4 specification


Audio and Videos are integral part of HTML5 specifications e.g. <audio> and <video> tags

3.Vector Graphics is NOT  possible in HTML4.


Vector graphics is integral part of HTML5 e.g. SVG and canvas

Gaurav Aggarwal
من قبل Gaurav Aggarwal , Product Support Consultant , Adobe Systems India Private Limited

HTMl stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to create web pages. HTML has different versions like HTML 1.0, HTML 4.0, XHTML etc.

html 5 is the latest version of HTML introduced in 2008.

It has new elements over older version of HTML. Some of them are:

New semantics elements - <header> <footer> <article> <section>

New graphics elements - <svg> <canvas>

New Multimedia elements - <audio> <video>


For more information you can go to http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp

Anirban Chakraborty
من قبل Anirban Chakraborty , Network Administrator , Wipro Limited

HTML : DOCTYPE is much longer as HTML4 is based on SGML-based.




HTML 5 :DOCTYPE is required to enable standards mode for HTML documents. 

<!DOCTYPE html>


HTML: Audio and Video are not part of HTML4 specification

HTML 5 :Audio and Videos are integral part of HTML5 specifications e.g. <audio> and <video> tags.


HTML : Vector Graphics is possible with the help of technologies such as VML, Silver-light, Flash etc.

HTML 5 : Vector graphics is integral part of HTML5 e.g. SVG and canvas



HTML : It is almost impossible to get true Geo-Location of user browsing any website especially if it comes to mobile devices.

HTML 5 : JS Geo-Location API in HTML5 helps identify location of user browsing any website (provided user allows it)


HTML : Browser cache can be used as temporary storage.

HTML 5: Application Cache, Web SQL database and Web storage is available as client side storage. Accessible using JavaScript interface in HTML5 compliant browsers.


HTML : Web Sockets are not available. Generally used mechanisms are long polling and streaming.

HTML 5 : Full duplex communication channels can be established with Server using Web Sockets. Accessible using JavaScript interface in HTML5 compliant browsers.


HTML : Works with all old browsersMost of modern browser have started supporting HTML5 : specification e.g. Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, Safari  etc.


HTML : Does not allow JavaScript to run in browser. JS runs in same thread as browser interface.

HTML 5 : Allows JavaScript to run in background. This is possible due to JS Web worker API in HTML5


من قبل MUHAMMAD JUMAN , Database operator(Internship) , Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

HTML5 is an updated version of HTML. It’s much similar to HTML. But difference is HTML5 contains much better support for media such as, an audio and video tag.

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