ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.

Naved Hasan Khan
من قبل Naved Hasan Khan , Team Leader , Hexaware Technologies

The aspx handler in the IIS is responsible to render the html tags in the browser

Mohammad Fanasheh
من قبل Mohammad Fanasheh , IT Technology Senior Consultant/Team Leader , TETCO /ArmsIT

actually each browser render the HTML Markup in own way - so html markup or browser render the html markup ,css ,javascript and ajax or another library as wish , but in general when create your html page or asp.net or php . browser will convert all of these in one markup language - HTML - then in runtime or when execute your html page browser will divide your code to category depends on your main tags - <stylesheet> <script><html> - then link your html markup code by id's and classes and tags with css code then draw on layout to give you the GUI . 

step by step same compiler operate code for example c# code 

Muhammad Waqas
من قبل Muhammad Waqas , Dot Net and MVC Developer , Osys Technologies

Most of the websites are using server side languages (like ASP.NET, PHP).  Browser actually render pages of such websites into HTML.



in asp.net browser converts asp.net tags into html tags that can be shown (if we view source of web page in browser). Simply, HTML is shown to client on webpages



But in php its displays html and show the output of PHP code. If we view source of web pages (in browser) written in PHP it only displays HTML tags but hides the code of PHP.


Jameel Ahamed
من قبل Jameel Ahamed , Senior Developer , Leader Investment Group

First the page will load the DOM elements and all the styles(CSS) will apply after that all js controllers validation will trigger to the elements loaded on the web page.

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
من قبل Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

  1. How much layout space does a web-browser allocate when initially rendering:<img src="image.jpg" />

  2. How much layout space does a web-browser allocate when initially rendering:<img src="image.jpg" style="max-height:100px; max-width:200px" />

  3. How much layout space does a web-browser allocate when initially rendering:<img src="image.jpg" style="min-height:50px; min-width:110px" />

  4. How much layout space does a web-browser allocate when initially rendering:<img src="image.jpg" height="97" width="134" />


What I'm trying to determine is if the browser first allocates0x0 and then scales up the layout once the dimension is obtained OR ... in the cases of using min/max-height/width - does the browser actually allocate that much space and then updates the layout once it has the actual dimensions.

خالد الحمود
من قبل خالد الحمود , Account Manager , shabkah net - شركة الشبكة نت شبكة التقنية المتكاملة

n general HTML and CSS are such unholy messes that you can't render anything until you've parsed the whole file, applied all the CSS rules, rendered each line of text in the right size and style, word-wrapped, only then do you know, roughly, where each element should go on the page.    This is particularly true for "tables", where the width of a column is often unknown until every row and column has been rendered.  So if a table has1000 rows, you can't start rendering the top part until you've rendered every line.Well, I should not say "rendered", you don't have to actually draw each element out, but you do have to compute the size and visibility and z-order of each element, which is most of the hard work.  Browsers are free to if they definitely know that no part of an element is on-screen, they can delay actually drawing it.

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