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Does a company's success at employee retention predict their recruitment success?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Nuha Ali , writer , freelance
تاريخ النشر: 2015/01/12
Krishnamurthy Vembu
من قبل Krishnamurthy Vembu , Vice President, Human Resources , One of India's largest retail businesses

Of course, at least as the correct steps taken at the recruitment stage. Employees may leave the organization later due to team problems, role clarity problems, supervisor-related issues, etc, but high retention levels certainly indicate that the recruitment was successful.

We must also remember that90% or more of attrition happens due to supervisor related problems. Therefore, when attrition is low, I would tend to give the credit to the line managers who manage them on day-to-day basis.

Hope this clarifies.

Saiful Islam Hiron
من قبل Saiful Islam Hiron , Site HR Manager , Handicap International

Of course. Right candidate will be right position, this responsibility is for Human Resources Department. However, it is not limited by recruitment. HR will take initiative to increase the retention through long term  career path.

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