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How would you rate google material design?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل WAQAS ZAFAR , Product Manager , Cloud Ornate
تاريخ النشر: 2014/11/25
Murad Sheshani
من قبل Murad Sheshani , Unity Developer , Indie

i would rate it4.5 - of -5in my opinion its visual improvement to solve one problem which is the inconsistency of android user experience.

it may not be as consistent as they think it will become although having design guidelines without forcing designers to use them is great thing because it doesn't limit designers to material design.

I predict with time almost all applications will become material design if google decides to keep the design language although some applications may remain outside these material designs.

not to mention few additional properties of material design such as ability to adapt to future technologies with this adding depth thing although its still immature to be full3D solution its on the way there.Negatives:

i read user cant make his own materials like in3D designs.

suggested improvements:I think3D geometric shapes would have been better especially if data was shown on its faces with their own depth, people are attracted to visual effects.

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