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How can we deal with Autocratic Leadership(s) in a professional way?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل SAHL HIJAZI , Purchasing Manager , BINZAFRAH GROUP
تاريخ النشر: 2013/06/24
من قبل SAHL HIJAZI , Purchasing Manager , BINZAFRAH GROUP

We can use leading by example for any case he may indirectly involve with.

من قبل DR MD ANWAR HOSSAIN , Moderator , bayt.com

Autocratic leadership is a form of management where one leader typically has complete control over a work area or project. In a small business environment, the owner may implement this form of leadership when the operation is relatively small and he has a limited number of employees. While an autocratic style is considered more traditional, and in some instances, outdated form of leadership, it still offers a variety of benefits.

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