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What's a PR professional's typical day like?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Nuha Ali , writer , freelance
تاريخ النشر: 2014/08/13
Ashraf Sami
من قبل Ashraf Sami , Director of Operations & Administration , Autism Partnership Kuwait

As long as I have been working in public relations , I have never really had a "typical day". ِActually There is no typical day, but you'll always do certain things, just in different orders and on different days.

While your day-to-day tasks may shift, most of your time will be either on email doing things or a phone call doing things. You will not often go places and do events, though many people will tell you this is a thing you will do. You will spend most of your day behind a desk.

Jihad Cherian
من قبل Jihad Cherian , Sales Coordinator , Transmed Overseas Incorporated

Typical day for a PR professional would be a myth. Flexibility & ability to multitask thus become fundamental to be successful in Public Relations.

Programme planning to liaise with management & clients throughout, working with printed word as large groups of people have to be reached, developing & maintaining working  contact with media, meeting & communicating with individuals or groups of people to enable one on one conversation, supervisory technique knowledge activities, handling events for a specific purpose which mainly is to get attention of targeted groups, & researching on trending practices & market activities to help formulate future strategies are routine activities which result in the so called typical day in a PR professional's life.


Zahid Hussein
من قبل Zahid Hussein , President , Sustainable Resource Foundation (SuRF)

If a PR person craves a "typical day" then he or she is in the wrong business:)-.

Nonetheless, here are a bunch of activities a PR professional may confront.


  1. Develop press materials (usually, press releases, sometimes, simple emails)
  2. Send press materials out
  3. Speak to members of the media - through email and on the phone, predominantly
  4. Develop/update media contact lists and notes
  5. Handle new business calls
  6. Identify coverage opportunities
  7. Collate coverage, report/feedback to management and clients
  8. Speak to clients
  9. Plan client angles/campaigns
  10. Planning (events, interviews, meetings etc)
  11. Meet journalists, clients and potential clients.

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