ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.



Friends, Let us discuss another important part of our work. Thanks

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Irfan Khan , SR. PROGRAM MANAGER , Automotive Industry
تاريخ النشر: 2014/07/18
darrell peebles
من قبل darrell peebles , Senior Manager for Quality , Dyncorp Int'l

I complement Ms. Refai for recognizing the importance of "documentation" in Deming's thoughts. However, the most critical Deming-ism is not his14 points or his Deadly sins, but the simple fact that quality requires statistical analysis and involvement of the workforce in continual improvement. Please note that W.E> Deming did not create the PDCA model, he like his peer Joseph Juran, borrowed this simplistic wheel from Dr. William Shewhart.  One could define the entire scope of quality using the PDCA wheel, but it would be only a broad sweep. So, the underlying theory in my mind is statistics without a focus on developing people is a waste, hence apply a TQM approach for complete quality. Lastly, there is no such thing as "The Deming Management Method", but if there were It would be the preceding sentence, which is a lot like my opening remark regarding what quality requires.


D. Peebles, MGDCA

Deming has created a wheel called PDCA. It is normally speaking of continous development with planning, doing, checking and acting. It is not only related to quality management but it can be used in any field of life.

Abid Khatib
من قبل Abid Khatib , QA Manager, Organization Developer, QMS & PMP Trainer , AGC - Zamil Group

According to deming, quality management is both science and art,  by having statistical tool a process can produce consistence quality and adopt improvement. PDCA cycle reflect the basic methodology when apply to process in circular sequence start from plan, do, act and apply and again plan .... to improve the process. It emphasis is on process not the product.

Nancy Refai
من قبل Nancy Refai , Health, safety and environmental management Trainer and consultant , Freelancer

Deming'smanagement focus at establishing continual improvement through the clear, well communicated definition of the company's purposes. It's a way for the company to secure sustainable steady development. To the best of my knowledge creating documented quality systems using the PDCA cycle is the best methodology to reflect deming's core thoughts

Farooq Khan
من قبل Farooq Khan

Deming Management Method is very important for Quality

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