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Accounting science or art?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ahmed Tharwat , Senior Accountant , ASKAF GENERAL TRADING
تاريخ النشر: 2013/06/21
Mohammed Yaseen MBA  PMP®
من قبل Mohammed Yaseen MBA PMP® , Project Controller , Hayat Communication (www.haytacommunications.com)

Accounting is both an art and science.

Accounting is an art because it can be learnt by practice and not by mere listening to it like scientific rules. Every accountant is not the same. Many are good and other make mistakes, like every person is not a great artist. A person who has more experience in accouting, will be able to understand every new transaction, new developments and new changes in accounting more easily than an inexperienced one.

It is science because it is based on many rules, concepts, conventions andassumptions. If everything goes accordingly, your balance sheets match, trial balances match and profits can be calculated correctly. But even if a singleaccounting concept is mishandled and transaction is entered incorrectly, it brings propagation errors. We need to go back every step to trace it, which is very exhausting. So it's a science.

Ahmed Tharwat
من قبل Ahmed Tharwat , Senior Accountant , ASKAF GENERAL TRADING

In simple words , science establishes relationship of cause and effect whereas art is the application of knowledge comprising of some accepted the ories and rules.
Accounting is an art of recording financial transaction in a set of book; classifying in desired categories and summarizing the information for presentation in a suitable manner to the concerned persons for their benefit.
Accounting is also science in the sense that it comprises of rules, principles, concepts, conventions and standards.
All these form body of knowledge which has recognitions all over the world.
The term GAAP denotes generally accepted accounting principles.
At present we have International Accounting Standards Committee also.

Tahir Mahmood
من قبل Tahir Mahmood , Freelance Accountant , Mazdoo Accounting

accounting is the combination of science and arts.

محمد الباجوري
من قبل محمد الباجوري , Senior ERP Consultant & ERP Project Manager , XERVON GmbH

accounting is science and arts

ahmed abo khalil
من قبل ahmed abo khalil , accountant , Special project

Both of them art and science

accountant mido
من قبل accountant mido , senior accountant , arab trade foundation

Accounting is an art as well as a science

Menerva Melad
من قبل Menerva Melad , Account Executive, Key Accounts , Graphic Home Company

both of them science and art

Khaled Abdelrehim ACCA DipIFR CMA
من قبل Khaled Abdelrehim ACCA DipIFR CMA , Financial Analysis Assistant General Manager , Khalda Petroleum Company

Both of them

ahmed afify
من قبل ahmed afify , Marketing , May way foundation

Accounting is an art as well as a science.
I have found that debits must always equal credits – a scientific formula.
I understand that the balance sheet must always balance – a scientific conclusion.
“Numbers” seem to overwhelm the accounting product and “numbers” are created within the science arena.
Declining balance depreciation is computed very scientifically.
The income tax computations are based on the scientific applications of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
Accounting is an art of recording, classifying and summarising financial transactions.
It helps us in achieving our objective of maintaining proper accounts , also to know the profitability and financial position of the business.
The American Instituted of Certified Public Accountants defines accountancy as an art.

ahmed khalil
من قبل ahmed khalil , accountant , Supermarket

Accounting is the art of using the science

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